Saturday, March 20, 2010

I love how children have such a heart to give! I had the children one time write a journal page to finish the sentence, "If I could give my mommy and daddy anything, I would give..." The answers varied from a cup of coffee, some flowers, and a green shirt. One student thought bigger and said a new house and another student said a red race car. At first thought I wondered why some of them only wrote a cup of coffee or some flowers, but each child WAS thinking big because they were thinking with their heart, it is the only way, I believe, that children know how to give. Makes me wonder how "big" my giving is to bless others. I believe it is not about the size of the gift, it is where the gift is coming from. When I give from the heart it feels big because it is given in the right way. "It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. " ~Kahlil Gibran

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